Terms & Conditions

Last Updated (09/12/2024)




           1a. Wheelchair Transport

           1b. Doctors Transport

           1c. Store Transport


            2a. Scheduling

            2b. Rescheduling

            2c. Cancelation


            3a. Wheelchair Provided

            3b. Ramp Provided


            4a. Wait Time

            4b. Wait Time + Cancelation


            5a. Address Change

            5b. Payment Decline

            5c. Item Return

            5d. Vehicle Cleaning

            5e. Hazardous Situation

            6f. Immediate Return


            6a. Oxygen Tank

            6b. Luggage/Bags


            7a. Scheduling

            7b. Cancelation


            8a. Pricing

            8b. Payment Method


            9a. Outside Vehicle

            9b. Incorrect Address

            9c. Pickup Address

            9d. Drop-off Address


           10a. Restrictions


           11a. Terms & Conditions

           11b. Privacy Policy




1a. Wheelchair Transport

- $30.00/Base Charge + $5.00/Mile (Wait Time Applicable). For charge details see Section 4a.

- Returns for round trips can be scheduled online from your account, or over the phone by calling (614) 600 – 4851

1b. Doctors Transport

- $100.00/Round Trip + $1.00/Mile & $1.00/Minute Wait Charge once arriving to drop-off.

- Driver will wait at appointment until finished, fees above applied for wait time.

1c. Store Transport

- $100.00/Round Trip + $1.00/Mile & $1.00/Minute Wait Charge once arriving to drop-off.

- Driver will wait at store until finished, if requested driver will assist including load/unload of groceries.



2a. Scheduling

- Scheduling pricing for a specific service is listed in Section 1. This does not include potential discounts applied to service or pricing under contract.

- Any transport over $150.00 will be charged 24 hours prior to the transport service time.

- If transport is on weekend (Saturday, Sunday), $25.00 Weekend fee is applied to total transport cost per "One Way".

- If transport is outside standard operating hours shown on site. $50.00 Outside Operating Hours fee is applied to total transport cost per "One Way".

Operating Hours:

          Monday – Saturday 8:00am – 8:00pm

          Sunday 8:00am – 3:00pm

- If transport pickup or drop-off location is outside current Divine Status Standard Rate radius, Increased Rate ($60.00 Base Charge + $8.00/Mile + $2.00/Minute Wait Charge) will apply to total transport cost per "One Way".

Current operating radius with Standard Rate and Increased Rate radius can be found here

- When transport is scheduled for the same day it is called in or scheduled online, $25.00 Same-Day Transport fee will be applied to transport cost, this applies to both ways of a "Round Trip"

  • Same-Day Transport fee is charged upon transport officially scheduled, and is a non-refundable charge.

2b. Rescheduling

- If transport is rescheduled within 24 hours of transport pickup time VIA phone call or website, rescheduling fee will be charged based on the terms below.

  1. If transport cost is “Transport Minimum” one-way, $75.00 Rescheduling” fee will be charged.
  2. If transport cost is over “Transport Minimum” one-way, entire cost of one-way will be charged as Reschedulingfee.

2c. Cancelation 

- If transport is canceled within 24 hours of transport pickup time VIA phone call or website, cancelation fee will be charged based on the terms below.

- At pickup location if driver feels the situation is unsafe or client will cause issues during transport, transport will be canceled with charge based on terms below.

  1. If transport cost is “Transport Minimum” one-way, $75.00 “Cancelation” fee will be charged.
  2. If transport cost is over “Transport Minimum” one-way, entire cost of one-way will be charged as “Cancelation” fee.

- If transport is scheduled for Holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter, July 4th), 24 hour cancelation time does not apply. Once transport is offically scheduled for any of the mentioned Holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter) and is canceled before transport date & time. Entire one-way cost of $175.00 Holiday Minimum per one-way scheduled will be charged as cancelation charge.



3a. Wheelchair Provided

- When Divine Status provides wheelchair for transport. "$125.00 Provide Wheelchair" fee is applied to transport cost per "One Way".

  1. If the wheelchair provided by Divine Status is not needed during transport but was requested when scheduled, the fee will still be applied to transport cost.

- When a wheelchair is requested to be provided for transport by Divine Status, it may be purchased and kept for a "$350.00 Wheelchair Purchase" fee applied to transport cost. If wheelchair is requested to be used for the day and not returned by 8:00pm same day, "$350.00 Wheelchair Purchase" fee will be charged.

3b. Ramp Provided

- When a wheelchair ramp is provided by Divine Status, "$150.00 Ramp Provided" fee is applied to transport cost.



4a. Wait Time

- Once driver has waited 10 minutes at pickup location OR drop-off location a $2.00/minute charge is applied to transport until driver has left pick up location OR drop-off location.

  1. Intital Transport: Wait time is only applicable after scheduled transport time, once driver has offically arrived.
  2. Return Transport: Wait time is only applicable after scheduled transport time, once driver has offically arrived.
  3. Drop-off: Wait time is only applicable after scheduled transport time, once driver has offically arrived and assistance over 10 minutes is needed at drop-off before it is safe for driver to depart.

4b. Wait Time + Cancelation

- Once arriving to pick up location if driver has waited more than 20 minutes & still unable to depart pick up location due to not being ready, transport is immediately canceled, and “Cancelation” charges according to Section 2c + “Wait Time” fee charged of 10 minutes according to Section 4a is applied to transport cost and transport is immediately canceled as “Cancelation”.

  1. If a wheelchair has been provided by Divine Status, a $350.00 Wheelchair Purchase fee will be immediately charged for purchase of wheelchair which driver will leave once charged.


5a. Address Change

- If driver arrives to pick up location and address provided when scheduled is incorrect, $25.00 Address Change fee is applied to transport cost.

- If driver is en route to drop-off address and it is determined it was incorrectly provided when scheduled, $25.00 Address Change fee is applied to transport cost.

- If driver arrives to drop-off location and it is determined address provided for transport is incorrect when scheduled. Transport will be charged as normal to incorrect address, and if Divine Status has availability to transport to new address from incorrect address, transport will be charged as normal based on pricing in Section 1 from incorrect address to correct address.

5b. Debit/Credit Card Payment Declined

- When debit/credit card provided for transport declines, when a new debit/credit card is retrieved by Divine Status representative, $15.00 Payment Retrieval fee will be applied to transport cost if new debit/credit card is provided same day as declined transport.

  • Ex. Transport Date 12/21, new debit/credit card retrieved 12/21.

- When debit/credit card provided for transport declines, when a new debit/credit card is retrieved by Divine Status representative, $30.00 Payment Retrieval fee will be applied to transport cost if new debit/credit card is provided future date as declined transport.

  • Ex. Transport Date 12/21, new debit/credit card retrieved 12/23.

5c. Item Return

- If an item is left in a Divine Status vehicle by client and it is requested to be returned to drop-off address of transport, $50.00 Item Return fee is charged.

5d. Vehicle Cleaning

- If passenger of Divine Status has an incident that involves professional cleaning of van, such as body secretion of any form, or fluid(s) spilled inside vehicle, a $150.00 Vehicle Cleaning fee will be applied to transport. 

- If passenger of Divine Status damages the interior of vehicle during transport, a $150.00 Vehicle Damage fee will be applied to transport. 

5e. Hazardous Situation

- If during the transport at any time the client riding with Divine Status is causing issues or making the driver feel unsafe, client will immediately be taken back to pick up location and entire transport cost will be charged as normal including a $150.00 Hazardous Situation fee will be applied to transport cost, if pickup location is:

  1. Facility: and client has been discharged and is no longer a resident at Facility and is not permitted back into Facility, client will be dropped off at nearest police station or housing shelter.
  2. Hospital: and client has been discharged and is no longer a patient at Hospital and is not permitted back into Hospital, client will be dropped off at nearest police station or housing shelter.
  3. House/Apartment/Condo: and client is not permitted back by owner(s) authority, client will be dropped off at nearest police station or housing shelter.

6f. Immediate Return

- If driver arrives at the drop-off address provided and client is unable to be dropped off, and an immediate return transport must be scheduled, $25.00 Immediate Return fee is applied to the return transport cost.



6a. Oxygen Tank

- If driver must handle oxygen tank in vehicle (portable only) during transport, $15.00 Oxygen Handling fee will be applied to transport cost per "One Way".

6b. Luggage/Bags

- If driver must load & unload 1 or more bags into vehicle during transport, $25.00 Baggage Handling fee will be applied to transport cost. This fee will be automatically applied for all discharges to and from facility. 



7a. Scheduling

- If Transport is on Holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter, July 4th) $175.00 Minimum Per "One Way" is charged. Basic mileage charges do not apply of $30.00 Base Charge + $5.00 Mile.

7b. Cancelation

- If Transport is on Holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter, July 4th), 24 hour cancelation time does not apply. Once transport is offically scheduled for any of the mentioned Holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter, July 4th) and is canceled before transport date & time. Entire "One Way" cost of $175.00 Holiday Minimum per "One Way" scheduled will be charged as cancelation charge.



8a. Pricing

- Most current and updated prices will always be shown on website, cost estimate page, and terms & conditions page. Prices are subject to change. All new prices are immediately implemented for transports. Pricing changes does not include transports scheduled before pricing change, or pricing under contract.

8b. Payment Method

- Once a transport has been officially scheduled with debit/credit card linked to account. Any charges including mileage, wait time, and cancelation may be charged to linked card for specific transport.

- For round trips, if payment method on file with Divine Status declines for first transport, a vehicle will not be dispatched for return transport until payment is made for first transport.

- Payment method cannot be removed if outstanding transport is scheduled with Divine Status.



9a. Outside Vehicle

- Divine Status driver will completely load and unload client, all outside assistance is prohibited such as family, friends, etc.

9b. Inside Vehicle

- Divine Status is not liable for client(s) who once safely constrained down with seat belt and all four Q'STRAINTS by driver, who slip out of wheelchair or stretcher due to client themselves undoing, releasing, or getting up in vehicle while driver is in route.

- Divine Status is not liable for any natural deaths that could occur inside vehicle at time of transport.

- If client requires emergency assistance while inside vehicle, client is taken to closet emergency room immediately and 911 will be called by Divine Status to notify hospital or arrival.

9c. Incorrect Address

- If driver arrives to pickup location and scheduled address is incorrect.

  1. If Divine Status can dispatch driver to correct address, Address Change fee will be charged. For charge details see Section 5a.
  2. If Divine Status cannot dispatch driver to correct address due to availability, Cancelation will be charged. For charge details see Section 2c.

- If driver arrives to drop-off location and scheduled address is incorrect.

  1. If Divine Status can accommodate transport to correct address, Address Change fee will be applied to transport cost. For charge details see Section 5a.
  2. If Divine Status cannot accommodate transport to correct address due to availability, transport to incorrect address will be charged, and return transport to pickup address will be scheduled. For charge details see Section 1.

9d. Pickup Address

- If once arriving to pickup address and it is determined more than 3 stairs/steps are at address. Driver will be unable to assist with getting client fully out of location.

  1. If client is unable to receive third party assistance out of location, transport will be canceled. For charge details see Section 2c.

9e. Drop-off Address

- If once arriving to drop-off address and it is determined more than 3 stairs/steps are at address. Driver will be unable to assist with getting client fully into location.

  1. If client is in a wheelchair provided by Divine Status, Wheelchair Purchase fee will be applied to transport cost. For charge details see Section 3a.



10a. Restrictions

- Maximum 300lbs weight limit of client, this does not include weight of wheelchair (powered/manual).

- Maximum 34” width from wheel to wheel of client wheelchair (powered/manual).



11a. Terms & Conditions

- "Terms & Conditions" are subject to change, with 30-day notice provided on "Terms & Conditions" page.

- "Terms & Conditions" can be found visiting https://www.divinestatus.com/terms-and-conditions

11b. Privacy Policy

- "Privacy Policy" is subject to change, with 30-day notice provided on "Privacy Policy" page.

- "Privacy Policy" can be found visiting https://www.divinestatus.com/privacy-policy